SiteGuard™ Portable Team Sports Changing Rooms
MAC Portable Changing and Drying Rooms
Essential Reading!
Wherever you work, play, or do business, your Colleagues, Team Members, School / College / Uni Staff & Students, Board & Committee Members, Voters, Campers, Friends and Relations...
Are all expecting:
Secure Lockers
Hygienic, Civilised Toilets
Copious Warm Water (but not too hot) to Wash & Shower
Warm & Welcoming Dry & Change
Feel Good Factor Compulsory
Conveniently Portable (a mobile changing room with no sweat - even if it's you who has to foot the bill)
Construction? Roads? Railways? Geology? Oil/Minerals? Agriculture? Mining? Archaeology? Diving? Film Crew? Wherever you're working, it's so easy to provide the essentials and home comforts your team needs.
Find out more about Changing Rooms for Local Authorities Find out more about Changing Rooms for Schools Play
- Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Paint Balling... or how about a rowing eight? A MAC portable changing room can be installed literally anywhere - and you can move it with minimum fuss
- Maybe you need to accommodate visiting teams + the ref and a couple of linesmen/touch judges
- Maybe you're into individual sports: Tennis, Squash, Athletics, Martial Arts
- Maybe it's just about a good time with a Keep Fit bonus
- More than likely, it's up to you to specify adaptable changing facilities - and decide how to pay for them. Whether you're a:
Local Authority
Sports Club
School or College
Project Manager
Site Manager
Football Club
Holiday Venue/Camping Site
The list goes on
If you're the Accountant or Treasurer who has to juggle the numbers... these figures are crucial:
Prices start at just £21,340 + VAT and Delivery (for a 20' x 10' Single Team Mobile Changing Room) rising through:
£39,995 + VAT and Delivery (40' x 10' for two adult teams)
£49,995 + VAT and Delivery (40' x 12' single team + officials)
£65,995 + VAT and Delivery with Police Escort (48' x 12' Changing Room)
Some other crucial figures...
- BS CP3, BS CP11 and BS 449: the essential standards we work to
- 12 months: our Unconditional Warranty
- 24 hours: your maximum wait for our on-site service
- Below, you'll find pdfs of typical MAC Changing Rooms - but how many needs actually are typical? Which is why we do Bespoke...
Example Layouts
40 x 12 FA Approved Changing Rooms.pdf (168kb) 40 x 10 Changing Room.pdf (49kb) 40 x 8 Basic Changing Room.pdf (52kb) 32 x 9 Shower WC Changing Room.pdf (58kb) 26 x 10 Triple Office & Sink.pdf (45kb)MAC doesn't just provide Portable Sports Changing Rooms
Despite our name, we don't just provide containers, either
40-odd years ago, we made our name, with Shipping Containers able to withstand the worst conditions the seven seas could throw at them - piled high on the exposed decks of the giant container ships, without which modern world trade would come to a halt.
To this day, every one of our products embodies the same engineering integrity - but our scope and design has vastly expanded.